About Coaching



Talk Openly as a Doctor

Explore Career Options

Feel Positive and Motivated

person in white shoes standing on gray concrete road

Coaching is a confidential, safe space for you to talk openly and without judgement, about how you feel about being a doctor.  I will work with you to explore your options (clinical and non-clinical), find direction and feel empowered.  

You will make better, strategic career decisions which resonate with you.   You will:

  • Build self awareness
  • Identify core values
  • Play to your strengths
  • Prioritise
  • Strategise
  • Find your niche

You will be clear about your next steps.  You will feel positive and motivated about your career.

My coaching service is open to all female doctors, around the world, who are looking for positive, meaningful change.  I specialise in working with female doctors with South Asian backgrounds. 


Coaching Fees

I offer a range of packages 

Each session is one hour in duration

1 Session


3 Sessions


6 Sessions


9 Sessions
